Revamping a tradional boring flat business magazine into a modern graphic works which better fits a world leading company. (Left) the old style and (right) the new Supercreative design. In order to create the new graphic magazines we took over complete production and design including global photography. Creative director Torben Raun, designer Naim Niebuur.

Below: Graphic elements often overlaying images, even the table of contents was designed as a piece of graphic with image thumbnails indicating the different content. Pretty much already heading towards online design.

Below Quotes and Images from TomTom employees from other parts of the world were given plenty of space. It was, as intended by TomTom owner Corine Vigreux and further envisioned by TomTom communications manager Helen Worswick, creative directed by Torben Raun a magazine for the TomTom employees, to take home and enjoy repeatedly.

One of the nice features was to photograph the TomTom International employees as cover stars. Why do normal portraits when they can just as easily look like movie stars. Supercreative was happy to supply very high level photography and design.